18 March 2013

Brussels Art Walk

If you are interested in art, 
yet feel intimidated or confused in front of contemporary art,
or not courageous enough to push the gallery doors…
Then, we are here for you!

Every Thursday and Saturday, Brussels Art Walk proposes different themes of tours guided by an art expert, art historian or art critic. These tours aim at introducing you to the making of contemporary art and to provide you with tools and information to contextualize art today from the perspective of art history. You would also have the chance to meet the artists and gallery owners.
You will find out that Brussels is fun and has a lot of artistic activities to offer!

Come join us! -- Brussels Art WalkA typical Brussels Art Walk starts at 11am and lasts 5 hours with 1 hour of lunch break.
You can also join in for the morning of afternoon session. 
Our focus is exhibitions presented in contemporary art galleries and art centres. Sometimes we would end with a coffee or a group visit to a museum show if the participants wish to, and they would stay as long as they wish in the museums. (Museum tickets are NOT included but sometimes we can profit from group tickets discount)
The participation fee for a tour is 30€ per person or 50€ for two. (*Lunch is not included)
For a half-day tour is 18€ per person or 35€ for two.
Contact us for trailored private group tour!

Book Online for our next Art Walks :
23 March 2013 (Saturday - Ixelles) --- RSVP Now
6 April 2013 (Saturday - Downtown) ---RSVP Now

12 March 2013

Mind The Gap -- A love story

港人每天乘搭港鐵上班下班,對於鐵路站的一句「請小心月台空隙」未必特別為意。但在英國倫敦地下鐵,一句有40年歷史的「Mind the Gap」,卻成了寡婦Margaret McCollum與亡夫每日的唯一連繫。

Margaret的丈夫Oswald Laurence生前是個演員,畢業於皇家戲劇學院,他為倫敦地鐵Northern Line所錄製的「Mind the Gap」(小心空隙),自1950年代至今,已沿用40年,相信不少到過倫敦的人都聽過。不過,這段聲帶近日漸漸被新的錄音取代。

Oswald在5年前去世,他去世後,Margaret經常都會到地下鐵的Embankment 站聽她亡夫遺下的聲音。Margaret說:「自從他去世,我甚至會坐在月台上等下一班列車來,直至我聽到他的聲音。」



當知道Oswald的錄音對Margaret的重大意義後,倫敦交通局把錄有Oswald聲音的光碟交給她。最後,在她的懇求下,倫敦交通局更決定在Embankment站用回Oswald所錄製的「Mind the Gap」聲帶。


倫敦地鐵運營總監Nigel Holness表示:「我們被她的故事深深感動,所以我們的員工翻查紀錄,不僅能找到那隻光碟供她保存,更決定在Embankment站用回那段聲帶。」
