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相片鳴謝︰St Christopher’s Inn Paris
如果有朋友到巴黎旅遊,我從不建議他們住進青年旅舍。的確,巴黎的青年旅舍質素參差,一般網上評分只得65分,遠遠低於歐洲其他城市的85分。但最近當我看到這家新落成的青年旅舍的圖片時,我極為驚喜,「真的嗎?﹗」 旅舍的外觀極具工業味,叫人期盼內裡會不會是一間間時尚的loft?﹗
旅舍位置無懈可擊,坐落在塞納河河畔,亦是著名的Bassin de la Villette所在地,這裡是巴黎唯一可划船的地方,兩岸各有一著名的mk2戲院,由戲院特設渡輪接駁,景致極浪漫迷人。這裡距離主要火車站 Gare du Nord 或著名的遊覽名勝Montmartre只須十分鐘。旅舍於今年七月投入服務,名為St Christopher’s Inn Paris,可容納300人。的確,旅舍房間極為寬敞,分設六人、八人及十人房間,每人每晚約25歐元。旅舍特設女生專區,並提供毛巾、清潔用品等。另有小量位於頂層雙人房間,每人約37歐元,從露台可眺望塞納河,將周遭古色古香的景致盡收眼簾。
St-Christopher’s Inn原為一家小酒吧,後來擴建為青年旅舍,現在於英國、蘇格蘭、柏林、阿姆斯特丹等地已有開設旅舍。負責人Romain指,巴黎旅舍有一Belushi’s 酒吧,酒吧對外開放,建築設計為一水上酒吧。另有為住客專設的網絡咖啡廳及無線上網服務,還有一活動室,作電影放映、派對、音樂會用途。豪華一點點,這裡還有免費桑拿浴,早點也是同樣免費供應﹗
St. Christopher’s hostel in Paris has now been opened for about a year and has delivered on its promises to be a great Paris hostel. This purpose built hostel can be found in the recently regenerated 19th district - on the scenic canal where Amélie was filmed. It boasts almost 300 beds, with a good mix of private rooms and dormitories, a plush Belushi’s Bar, live music on stage, a sauna, free Wifi and an internet cafe.
St Christopher’s in Paris is not only a new destination in the St Christopher’s group - it’s also a new development in the hostel concept. This Paris property provides more space, more privacy, more activities and promises a more fun hostel experience!
A Little History
St Christopher’s in Paris is a reconstruction of a 19th century warehouse called Magasins Généraux. This was burnt down in 1990, however its sister building on the opposite side of the canal is still there and was recently renovated and turned into student accommodation.
Because the site is such a prominent landmark on the Bassin de la Villette, the well known architect firm Chaix et Morel was appointed to rebuild the site. As you can see in the attached images, the building itself symbolizes the rebirth of the Bassin de la Vileltte area.
As part of this regeneration St Christopher’s Paris is proud to offer the latest and most efficient safety, hygiene and security standards, all contained within the classic style of a purpose built property that is every bit as cool and fun as it is comfortable and convenient.
St Christopher's Inn
159 rue de Crimée 75019 Paris