2 February 2006


荷里活剛剛頒完奧斯卡,另一邊厢又有一個名為Golden Rapsberry (Razzie) Award 的頒獎典禮為荷里活助慶。這個沒人問津的獎,今年已踏進第二十六屆,每年選出最差勁電影,最差勁男、女主角等,三月七日與奧斯卡同步發出,收了算倒霉﹗

出版界又有與諾貝爾文學獎相反的、被稱為英國「最討厭文學獎」的《最噁心性愛文學獎》,今年的提名名單陣容鼎盛,還有大家喜歡的「百年孤寂作家」Gabriel Marquez。最後,花落Giles Coren家。本為飲食批評家的Coren發表其處女作小說《Winkler》,隨即讓他擊敗其他十位入圍作者,成為最終得獎者,這些落敗作者除了Marquez外,還有前Booker Prize得主Salman Rushdie及美國旅遊及小說家Paul Theroux等。在《Winkler》的一場性愛描寫中,有一句長達138字的句子,中間沒有任何標點,最終以” Like Zorro”二字作結。有十三年歷史的《最噁心性愛文學獎》目的在於制止現代小說中粗糙、無品味、馬虎的性愛描寫,得奬者將獲頒發一五十年代性愛造型的「奧斯卡式」雕像及一支香檳。
Photo: Beating off stiff competition: Giles Coren

Known as Britain's "most dreaded Literary award, the Bad Sex Award 2005, goes to Giles Coren for his debut novel Winkler. An extract which comprises a 138-word long sentence followed by a two-word follow up "Like Zorro" describing the main character's penis "leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath" won Coren the award. Better known as restaurant critic for the Times newspaper, Coren fought off competition from several well-known authors including Nobel winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez, former Booker Prize winner Salman Rushdie and U.S. travel and fiction writer Paul Theroux. Now in its 13th year, the prize, which only targets literary fiction, aims "to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel, and to discourage it." The winner is awarded a semi-abstract statue representing sex in the 1950s and a bottle of champagne.

For all the longlisted passages:

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