15 February 2006

Not Everything Creative is Copyrightable?!

史坦尼斯拉夫斯基出現前,劇場世界可謂由劇作家一手遮天,流傳下來的亦只有劇本,所以今天我們認識莎士比亞、莫里哀、易卜生,但導演的名字被遺忘了。荷里活的商業明星式製作,推翻了整個權力系統,以導演、演員的名聲為號召,編劇幾乎閃到地下去了。現在劇場可以說是編劇與導演並駕齊驅,但法律上,編劇的文字知識產權受到保障,而導演的形體、視像創作卻難以具體界定及注冊為知識產權。最近在美國百老滙揭起官司直接指向這一問題的利弊。04年十月, Tam Lin一劇之前導演Edward Einhorn執導該劇兩個月後,因和編劇Nancy McClernan意見不合而遭解約,一亳子也沒有入袋。演出如期舉行,隨即Einhorn向該劇團提出司法訴訟,指該團侵犯他的知識產權。Einhorn指他為該劇作的導演創作果為他個人擁有的知識版權,該團需就過往多次重演的每一場支付版權費,最高合共美元三百萬。官司成為了劇場界的一大爭議,編劇認為此舉是「綁架」了他們的劇本,部份導演擔心會影響現時的資訊流動和參考,隨時踩線亦恾然不知。如果某導演導了一個新編本後即註冊版權,以後就沒有人再敢改導同一劇本。雖然案件排期至今年四月正式審訊,但其影響已出現,例如美國Dramatists Play Service發出的許可證,只有劇本而不再包括導演筆記,Theater on Film and Tape Archive亦表示,越來越多的導演和編舞為其作品錄像訂下觀看限制。

At the tech rehearsal of the Off Off Broadway production of Tam Lin, a play about a clash between mortal and immortal worlds, a fight between the playwright, Nancy McClernan, and the former director, Edward Einhorn, took the stage. Two days later, the director was fired after two months of unpaid work. The playwright then supervised the remaining rehearsals, either largely restaging the play or retaining most of Mr. Einhorn's contributions, depending on whose side you believe. Soon, Einhorn filed a lawsuit claiming that his staging contributions to Tam Lin constitute a copyrighted work of intellectual property, owned by him, and that the defendants, McClernan and her colleagues, must therefore pay for infringing the copyright which is calculated at the maximum of US$3M. The issue at stake is if a director should be able to copyright his ideas about how to stage a play. Many playwrights who against this feel the danger of the kidnapping of their plays, others saying that if each director's staging of a relatively new play had copyright protection, very soon there would be no staging options left. However, the consequence is already here, e.g. the Dramatists Play Service no longer includes detailed stage directions and other helpful annotations in the scripts they provide to licensees; the Theater on Film and Tape Archive said more directors and choreographers now request restrictions on viewings of their work. The trial of the Einhorn's case is scheduled in April.
Image 1: Tam Lin's publicity Post (image from Theatre Five)
Image 2: Edward Einhorn, Artistic Director of Untitled Theater Company
(Image from

14 February 2006

猶太歷史 -- 小記


公元前12世紀,已淪爲奴隸的希伯來人在民族英雄摩西帶領下走出埃及,回到上帝允諾給予他們祖先的「應許之地」——迦南。他們在此定居,建都耶路撒冷,逐進入盛世的所羅門王朝。所羅門王去世後,王國分爲北方的以色列王國和南方的猶太王國,並先後亡於亞述和新巴比倫,大批臣民成爲「巴比倫之囚」。這些流散在外的希伯來人及其後裔被稱爲「猶太人」(Jews),意爲猶大王國的遺民。波斯人滅新巴比倫後,曾允許猶太人返回家園。但不久猶太人又屈於希臘人和羅馬人的統治之下。西元135年,羅馬暴君哈德良徹底摧毀了耶路撒冷,並將猶太人全部驅逐。從此,猶太民族離鄉背井,浪迹天涯,進入大離散時代(Diaspora Era)。直至1948年二戰後,猶太複國主義 (或錫安主義Zionism)者在巴勒斯坦建立了以色列國,使猶太民族進入了全面復興的歷史新階段。

13 February 2006

被歷史遺忘的故事 ── 上海猶太人



電影是否拍得成,還不知道。但關於這段猶太東方逃難史,在西方國家可謂鮮為人知。畢竟,相對起五百萬的猶太人死亡數字 ,能幸運逃到中國來的三萬多人,只是一個極小數。近年,越來越多人嘗試重塑、記錄、展示這段歷史。2002年美藉以色列人Dana及Amir Mann夫婦自資拍攝了記錄片《上海猶太人》,並曾於紐約及洛杉磯公映。上海猶太研究中心出版《猶太人在中國》(中英法德文)及社會科學文獻出版社於2002年出版《一個半世紀以來的上海猶太人》等研究書籍。最近,巴黎的Maison de la Chine舉辦了一個名為《在上海的猶太人》的小型圖片展覽,展出當年在上海的生活照。


當年的「諾亞方舟」同樣受著「國破家亡」的威脅。日佔時期的上海,正處於三方 (即日本佔領軍、公共租界和法租界) 各當其政的混亂局面,出、入境進內了「護照簽證失控」的狀態,即外國人進入上海不需要簽證,也不需要經濟擔保,更不需要預先找到工作或提供品德證明。這「政策」對從集中營逃出來的無證猶太難民尤為重要。從巴黎展覽中展出的證件可見,早期逃離歐洲的,在國籍一欄還填有「德國」、「奧地利」等,但後期的,則簡單而又傷感、憤慨地寫上一個字︰「無」﹗想必這一批是從集中營逃出來,已沒有任何證明文件了。他們的相同之處,是逗留期限一欄,均填上「未知」或「無限」,真若前途一片茫茫,生死未卜。1943年,日軍在納粹蓋世太保Joseph Meisinger的「終極解決」(Final Solution)壓力下,把在這批無證猶太人集中於虹口,即今日所說的Hongkew Ghetto。雖然虹口沒有電欄、毒氣室,但在戰難時期,虹口的猶太人與外隔絕,要依靠昔日的上海鄰居協助提供生活所需品。

然而,在猶太人的中國移民史上,這批二戰難民已屬第三批。第一批為逃避中東內亂的塞法迪猶太人(Sephardi),包括數個在1850s至1940s在上海顯赫一時的數個猶太家族,例如1844年從巴格達遷來、匯豐銀行舉辦人之一的沙宣 (Elias Sassoon) 家族、1873年遷到上海的地產巨商哈同(Silas Hardoon)和嘉道理(Sir Elly Kardoorie)家族等。第二批是俄國十月大革命後來到中國的俄裔亞甚肯納茲猶太人(Ashkenazi),他們大多數經西伯利亞到哈爾濱居住,後來再遷居上海。當二戰猶太難民來到上海時,塞法迪猶太人及多個富商極力協助他們,於1938年先後成立了多個救援組織,如「國際救濟歐洲難民委員會」、「援助歐洲來滬猶太難民委員會」(簡稱CFA)、「世界猶太難民救濟組織」(簡稱HICEM)等。

在人類歷史上,這個長期受盡迫害,無家可歸的民族有著堅韌無比的生命力,人才輩出,無時在改寫著人類文明的發展史。馬克思、愛因斯坦、弗洛伊德和畢卡索,四個分別從社會、科會、精神和藝術領域深刻地改變著整個世界的人都是猶太人。就連移民到中國的這些猶太人亦大多數是飽學之士,他們在上海積極參於文化活動,創辦學校、戲院、劇院、畫會、電台等。在短短數年裡,二戰的猶太難民便出版了五十多份刊物,如被認爲是亞洲最出色的周報之一《黃報》、德文周刊《亞洲評論》、《上海年鑒1946-1947》及德、英、中3種文字的醫學專業月刊《中歐醫師協會會刊》等。他們在推動本地教育方面亦不遺餘力,例如富商哈同便在自己的宅第 ── 哈同花園中創辦了「倉聖明智大學」,聘任康有爲及蔣梅笙等為教授。當年,尚未成名的徐悲鴻就是受聘於倉聖明智大學,為其繪製倉頡像,而認識了康有爲,並拜其為師,此外還認識了蔣梅笙,最後與其女兒蔣碧微結爲夫妻。



12 February 2006


早前分別撰文談及巴黎龐畢度中心的《達達展》及法國人隨街小便的習慣,隨即兩件事竟連上了關係。一位七十七歲的法國老人/藝術家Pierre Pinoncelli於1993年首次於法國南部Nimes美術館內於展出中的杜尚作品《泉》上小便。十數年後,杜尚的小便池又被搬到巴黎龐畢度中心,而他亦隨傳隨到,今年一月四日到龐畢度中心參觀《達達展》時,用身上帶著的一把斧頭襲擊《泉》。事後他被法院裁定蓄意破壞罪,罰款美金$245,490及監禁三個月。Pinoncelli在庭訊上表示,他的行為不是犯法,而是行為藝術。他指1967年時,曾告訴過杜尚他會做「一些事情」來,所以相信杜尚本人會很高興看到他這樣做。於1968年離世的杜尚強調藝術創作的過程,並重新界定觀眾和作品的互動關係。他於1917年創作的《泉》已經遺失,但1964年他同期創造了八件《泉》作品。Pinoncelli辯稱,他的所做所為非但不會破壞藝術品,反之讓它更有「獨創」的價值。2002年,Pinoncelli更斬下自己的小指頭,以表達其對被綁架的哥倫比亞政治家Ingrid Betancourt的一片忠心和敬仰。

A 77-year-old French man, Pierre Pinoncelli, artist of École de Nice, was convicted for attacking artist Marcel Duchamp's famed porcelain urinal with a hammer on 4 Jan 2006 in Centre Pompidou where the work was displayed in the DADA exhibition. Pinoncelli said in the court that he told Duchamp in 1967 that he would do "something" and that what he had done was not vandalism but a performance art that increased the value of the artwork by making it an "original". Pinoncelli said his act might have pleased the artists of Dada. Duchamp, who died in 1968, emphasized the creative process, and a role for the spectator. The original of 1917 was lost, but in 1964 Duchamp created eight other versions of the work and the one is display valued $3.4 million. The court gave Pinoncelli a three-month suspended prison sentence and ordered him to pay a $245,490 fine. However, the January urinal attack was not the first for Pinoncelli. He urinated on the piece during a 1993 exhibition in Nimes in southern France. Pinoncelli's actions are not limited to the Dada movement or works of art. He cut off his own finger as an expression of solidarity with Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt, held hostage by leftist guerrillas since 2002.

Image 1: Pierre Pinoncelli ready to chop off his finger as a tribute to the Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt in 2002. (Image from New York Times)

Image 2: Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, (1917) Original work lost, Readymade, Procelaine Urina, Height 60cm Philidelphia Museum of Art

10 February 2006


在倫敦北部 Lauderdale House 現正舉行為期僅兩星期的數學展覽,或許不是人人都看得明白,畢竟對於像我般的數字白痴來說,要我明白箇中程式是不可能,但就以數學家 Justin Mullins 的「美學」邏輯來說,郤來得別開生面。這一位數學家Justin Mullins,以其獨特的理性及感性,來重新演繹「美」學。對Mullins來說,數學的美感不在於視覺而在其概念,例如他的終極完美是十八世紀瑞士數學家Leonhard Euler貫穿五個基本數字的「Euler's equation」(上圖),而他最愛的是由愛因斯坦發現的「quantum entanglement」(下圖) 現象,這個數學程式是將兩個處於不同宇宙空間的原子粒緊緊相扣在一起。Mullins稱之為「浪漫」,並以此贈與愛妻。美感和浪漫來自這種「千里姻緣一線牽」的感覺。Mullins的個人網站在短短三個月內已錄得二百萬人次的參觀記錄。

這兩幅分別題為「Beauty - Euler's relationship」(上圖) 及 「romance – entanglement」(下圖) 的海報作品,各售23.99英鎊。閣下可願出價?

For two weeks from 1 Feb to 12 Feb, you can find this short-lived exhibition in Lauderdale House in Highgate, North London. They are not the master pieces of such and such artists, but of the mathmatician Justin Mullins, who shows his new interpretation of mathematical aesthetics to the London spectators. According to Mr. Mullins, what mathematicians traditionally call beauty is not visual but a conceptual elegance. His supreme example of mathematical beauty is Euler's identity. Discovered by the 18th century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, it links the five most important numbers in mathematics. His favourite is the mathematical snapshot of "romance" which describes a phenomenon called quantum entanglement discovered by Albert Einstein. It shows how two sub-atomic particles can be "linked in a very deep and fundamental way even though they may be separated by the width of the universe", said Mr. Mullins. So, true love in an equation.

His three-month-old website has already received nearly 2m hits.

8 February 2006

The World's Most Wanted Artworks

一直以來,藝術品被盜的案件不絶,大部份都流入黑市買賣,只有一少部份可以尋回。而一旦偷竊發生,博物館或收藏家最怕的是藝術品被毁壞,有些如金製雕塑更恐怕會遭到被溶掉變賣的惡夢。2002年,世上「最成功」的亞里巴巴大盜Stephane Breitwieser,於1995年至02年期間,於法國、瑞士、荷蘭、比利士及奧地利五國的172間博物館內,盜得總值12.5億英鎊的藝術品,包括大師油畫名作、古董陶器、古代武器及樂器等。當他於2002年被瑞士警方逮捕後,其五十二歲的母親將所有藝術品毁壞,油畫被剪為碎片、古董被抛下Rhine-Rhone河 (見Paris Dispatch 2002年5月16日報導)。去年十二月,英國Hertfordshir的Henry Moore Foundation被匪徒有組織地運走一件3.5米高價值三百萬英鎊的銅製雕塑,當局隨即以重酬十萬英鎊緝兇 (見英國衛報2006年1月20日)。打開這個網頁,http://www.saztv.com/page7.html 你會見到無數失蹤藝術品正懸紅緝兇,以Jan Vermeer 的The Concert (c.1665-1666) 排榜首,重酬美元五百萬。大家有興趣不妨上網看看。

Once an art theft happened, the worst scenario is this: in 2002, the "most successful" art theft, Stephane Breitwieser was caught in Switzerland, his 52-year-old mother destroyed all the £1.25bn-worth of old masters, ceramics, antique weapons and musical instruments, which Stephane had stolen over a period of seven years since 1995 from 172 museums in five European countries, France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria. Mrs. Breitwieser simply threw the artifices into Rhine-Rhone canal bank and cut the master oils into pieces (see Paris Dispatch dated 16 May 2002). Therefore, in December 2005, when the Henry Moore Foundation's 3.5metre bronze sculpture was stolen, the foundation issued a handsome award of £100K in the hope of recovering the artwork that worth £3m (see The Guardian dated 20 Jan 2005). If you go to this website, http://www.saztv.com/page7.html , you will see the images of artworks that you might never been able to see somewhere else. They are the missing pieces that the museums and art collectors are looking for with attractive rewards. On the top is Jan Vermeer's The Concert (c.1665-1666) which was stolen from Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum of Boston in 1990. The reward for this single item is US$5m!

Image 1. Henry Moore's Reclining Figure (1969-70) (LH608) Photo: The Henry Moore Foundation

Image 2. Jan Vermeer. The Concert. c.1665-1666. Oil on canvas. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, MA, USA. (Stolen)

4 February 2006


紐約大都會博物館 (Met) 於二月一日與意大利政府達成協議,將送回一隻懷疑賊贓的古希臘酒瓶予意大利當局。這隻由最著名的希臘花瓶繪畫家Euphronios於2,500年前繪製的酒瓶名為Krater,昔日乃用作調酒之用,並被譽為世上最精美的古希臘酒瓶。Met於1971年透過藝術品買賣商Robert Hecht以一百萬美金收購這隻酒瓶。酒瓶一公開展出,隨即引起大眾對其出處的議論,意大利當局亦關注事件,並連同美國聯邦政府一起追查其來源。經過了三十多年的爭議,Met終以「藝術交流」的形式和名義完壁歸趙。Met將把這隻酒瓶連同其他15件古董銀器、4件古代器皿歸還給意大利,而意大利方面則將向Met借出其他國寶藝術品作長期借展。此外Met將不需負上任何法律上的責任,並以此結束三十年來的爭議。對於世界性的大美術館收藏其他國家的國寶,社會上一直議論紛紛,如希臘與大英博物館就Elgin Marbles的爭論,以至近三、四年來Getty Museum與意大利政府的官司等,而中國現時亦有大量古董暗地裡往外輸出。

After 30 years of dispute between the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) and the Italian Government, the Met finally agreed on 1 Feb 2006 to relinquish ownership of a 2,500-year-old Greek vase, which has long contended to be stolen from an Etruscan tomb and smuggled from the country, to the Italian government. The vase, known as krater, was painted by the greatest greek vase painter Euphronios. It was considered one of the finest in the world and was used in the old time to mix wine and water. When the Met bought it in 1972 for more than $1 million from the dealer Robert Hecht whose practices were already under scrutiny, its appearance stunned the art world and led to front-page headlines about its provenance. Italy almost immediately began an investigation, with help in the United States from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Over the years, the case became emblematic of the ethical questions surrounding the acquisition of ancient art by major museums. Now, the Met has agreed with Italy on a proposal under which the vase, 15 pieces of Sicilian silver and four ancient vessels would be returned to Italy in exchange for long-term loans of other prized antiquities, and the Met would bear no responsibility for the objects' illegal origins, asserting that the museum acquired them in good faith.

Image 1: Image from Associated Press

Imge 2 & 3: 希臘與大英博物館爭論中的Elgin Marbles,希臘人稱之為 Parthenon Marbles。

2 February 2006


荷里活剛剛頒完奧斯卡,另一邊厢又有一個名為Golden Rapsberry (Razzie) Award 的頒獎典禮為荷里活助慶。這個沒人問津的獎,今年已踏進第二十六屆,每年選出最差勁電影,最差勁男、女主角等,三月七日與奧斯卡同步發出,收了算倒霉﹗

出版界又有與諾貝爾文學獎相反的、被稱為英國「最討厭文學獎」的《最噁心性愛文學獎》,今年的提名名單陣容鼎盛,還有大家喜歡的「百年孤寂作家」Gabriel Marquez。最後,花落Giles Coren家。本為飲食批評家的Coren發表其處女作小說《Winkler》,隨即讓他擊敗其他十位入圍作者,成為最終得獎者,這些落敗作者除了Marquez外,還有前Booker Prize得主Salman Rushdie及美國旅遊及小說家Paul Theroux等。在《Winkler》的一場性愛描寫中,有一句長達138字的句子,中間沒有任何標點,最終以” Like Zorro”二字作結。有十三年歷史的《最噁心性愛文學獎》目的在於制止現代小說中粗糙、無品味、馬虎的性愛描寫,得奬者將獲頒發一五十年代性愛造型的「奧斯卡式」雕像及一支香檳。
Photo: Beating off stiff competition: Giles Coren

Known as Britain's "most dreaded Literary award, the Bad Sex Award 2005, goes to Giles Coren for his debut novel Winkler. An extract which comprises a 138-word long sentence followed by a two-word follow up "Like Zorro" describing the main character's penis "leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath" won Coren the award. Better known as restaurant critic for the Times newspaper, Coren fought off competition from several well-known authors including Nobel winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez, former Booker Prize winner Salman Rushdie and U.S. travel and fiction writer Paul Theroux. Now in its 13th year, the prize, which only targets literary fiction, aims "to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel, and to discourage it." The winner is awarded a semi-abstract statue representing sex in the 1950s and a bottle of champagne.

For all the longlisted passages: