24 November 2005

A Ballerina Dream

有關舞蹈的電影我都不會放過,之前的 《浮生若舞》, 《舞出彩虹》、《舞動激情》等,都是我的心頭好。最近在報章上看到法國電視台藝術文化頻道arte,在十一月七日起連續播出一套別開生面的紀錄片,《有一天,我將成為舞者》。可惜沒有電視機,看不到。

紀錄片以入讀巴黎國家音樂及舞蹈學院第一年的十三歲芭蕾舞生Camille為主角,導演Julie Lepkine貼身追蹤小女孩們艱苦訓練的經過,和同學間的互相扶持、互相競爭的真實世界,和一眾女孩追逐夢想的甜酸苦辣。

A series of new documentary, Un jour, je serai danseuse, by Julie Lepkine is now on shown on the arts and cultural TV channel, Arte France. Unfortunately, I don't have a TV to watch the programme. Another remarkable documentary on dance is The Company by Robert Altman. The other film on a dance student's life is Centre Stage . Others include Thomas Carter's Save the Last Dance and Stephen Daldry's Billy Elliot.

Lepkine followed Camille, the 13-year-old first-year ballet student of Conservatoire nationale de musique et de danse de Paris, for one year, documenting her life as a future ballerina in the process of harsh trainings, friendship and competition with classmates, and the painful process of realization of a dancer dream.

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