24 January 2006


世界刮起大東風。繼「女子十二樂坊」的賣弄東方情調外,中國的藝術品又有新創意,這次肯定將成為世界奇觀,包管大家看得目瞪口呆。說的是「頭頂上的芭蕾」 -- 雜耍加芭蕾舞的中國版《天鵝湖》。由吳正丹演出的「東方天鵝公主」在「羅巴王子」魏葆華的頭頂懸空獨立,仿佛一祇純美的白天鵝完成「Arabesque」360度高空旋轉,再來一個180度向後彎腰,完美的技藝和合作,征服了世人、震驚了國際舞台的藝術家。這對王子公主已成為世界焦點,摘下無數國際金牌的同時,亦為本為僵化的中國雜耍開闢了一條新道路。中國版《天鵝湖》沿用柴可夫斯基的音樂,但故事內容稍作更改,以王子夢見一位美麗的女子被邪惡的老鷹變成天鵝作端,於是王子開始一段尋夢的歷程,他走遍歐洲、非洲、中東,南亞,最後來到中國的北京,這一安排使得雜技劇團得以通過舞蹈和雜技的形式充份展示各個地域不同的色彩。在紫禁城內,王子終於遇見了他的中國天鵝公主。今年,這個中國雜技版《天鵝湖》將出品至俄羅斯、日本、德國及美國等地作全球巡演。

Another Chinese Art is ready to be exported. The unconventional blend of classical ballet and traditional Chinese acrobatics in the Chinese version Swan Lake is sure to stun the world with the delicate Oriental Swan Princess, Wu Zhengdan pirouetting aloft on the shoulder and outstretched arm of the muscular Prince Siegfried, Wei Baohua. She then rose up, stunningly, on pointe on Wei's head with another pirouette in Arabesque. This is the radical reworking of Swan Lake by the Guangdong Military Acrobatic Troupe which is said to open up a new direction of Chinese acrobatics. Set against the original music of Tchaikovsky, the new version opens with Prince Siegfried dreaming of a beautiful girl who has been transformed into a swan by an evil eagle, a vision that propels him into a quest that takes him from Europe through Africa, the Middle East and South Asia before landing him in Beijing — a journey that provides the acrobatic troupe with ample opportunity for displays of local color. There, in the Forbidden City, he meets the young Chinese swan-woman he will make his bride. This West-meets-East take on Swan Lake is emblematic of the broad shift under way in China as state-sponsored cultural institutions move toward more market-oriented offerings. Now, the acrobatic Swan Lake is setting off for a world tour to Russia, Japan, Germany and the United States this year.



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