22 June 2008


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記得電影《日落巴黎 (Before Sunset)》裡,女主角Céline被到遊巴黎的舊情人Jesse拉上觀光船Bateaux-Mouches時,慌忙大叫︰「我不去﹗這是給遊客的…… 糗死了﹗」的確,對巴黎人來說,乘船遊塞納河是一樁糗事,只有遊客才會上觀光船。只是塞納河兩岸古色古香的建築群,確實景緻怡人,對堅持不做糗事的巴黎人來說,也是一種遺憾。遺憾終於可以彌補了。

從六月一日起,巴黎首班水上巴士Voguéo 起航﹗巴黎人因這破天荒的盛事而興奮起來,四月底開始進行的技術首航時,已吸引大量市民圍觀,躍躍欲試。這些水上巴士由定做的淡藍色和嫩綠色的雙體船隊組成,每艘船可載運七十名乘客。新的河上公共交通工具將於Gare d’Austerlitz 火車站至 Maison Alfort – Eocle Vétérinaire 一段河道航駛,途經往三個碼頭,包括國家圖書館Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand –Tolbiac、Bercy (即Cinemathèque及大型演唱會及體育賽事舉辦場地Palais Omnisports) 及塞納河東部近郊Port d'Ivry。新服務將試驗兩年,計劃於2010年將服務推展至整個巴黎中心及整個塞納河段。班次方面,週一至週五,每20分鐘開出一班船。在週末則減至每30分鐘一班。船票與現時的地鐵月票、周票通行,乘客可以自由上落,零售票每程為三歐元。

Paris commuters now have a new maritime option for traveling to work--and Euro-strapped tourists are in luck with a cheaper alternative to pricey Seine tour boats.
Voguéo, a new fleet of public transportation boats, set sail on Sunday. The boats run from Gare d'Austerlitz train station on the Left Bank and make several stops throughout the city, as far as Maisons-Alfort in the Southeast suburbs.
While the €3
price tag is double what you'd pay on the Metro, it's a bargain for those looking to view the city from the Seine while avoiding tourist trap cruises.

The initiative is part of Mayor Bertrand Delanoë's plan to reduce car traffic by 40 percent by 2020, and the city hopes to extend the program all along the Seine in the coming years. The covered, heated catamarans run from 7 am to 8:30 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 8 pm on weekends.

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