27 June 2008

Caviar Sorbet of Philippe Faur

A new mountain in gastronomy has been climbed and conquered. Upscale French artisan ice-cream maker Philippe Faur has made his idea of creating a caviar sorbet come true thanks to a collaboration with Armen Petrossian. Here comes a world premiere sorbet made of 60 % of caviar Alverta Royal Petrossian, from a white sturgeon, which took both specialists 6 months to develop......

100% french, while the italians stay with fruits, the french ice-cream maker is staging his Truffle Ice-Cream, the Roquefort ice-cream or the Foie Gras de Canard sorbet developed with Rougié, the winner of Grand Prix International de l'Innovation 2007. Today, the ice-cream maker becomes a top brand, The Philippe Faur creations, and the name means to say all products are made with 100 % natural ingredients, without any addition of coloring or artificial flavors, or flavor enhancers. The milk used in the ice-creams comes from mountain cows milked the very morning. Only ripe fruits, ingredients and alcohols of the highest quality are used.

The ice-creams so far are only shipped within France in a special packaging that prevents them from melting for 72 hours, although international customers sound numerous. A 100 ml tub is priced at 118 €. A 15 ml sample size is also available for 18 €.

法國冰淇淋大師Philippe Faur 與餐飲業大亨Armen Petrossian同共埋首研製六個月的魚子醬冰淇淋終於面世。這款獨一無二的Sorbet採用全天然物料製成,魚子醬含量達六成,一小匙的Sorbet放進嘴裡,就聞到不可擋抵的魚子鮮甜味道。


魚子醬Sorbet現於各家Petrossian餐廳及Philippe Faur店有售,還可以從網路上訂購︰www.philippefaur.com

Glacerie Artisanale Philippe Faur Allans - 09160 CAUMONT

電話︰05 61 66 87 35

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