31 December 2005

In front of Avignon Bridge

In front of Avignon Bridge (Photographie)
© de Anndou, Paris, 2005

30 December 2005

22 December 2005

13 December 2005

11 December 2005


法國著名作家 Stendhal 在遊歷意大利翡冷翠時,曾有這樣的一次經驗。

1817年,Stendhal參觀佛羅倫斯的 Santa Croce 教堂時,看到美輪美奐、表現力生動驚人的壁畫後,除了感到你和我都有的「震驚」外,他還有噁心、頭暈、一陣陣的瘋狂感覺…… Stendhal稱之「著了魔」。他寫到︰「生命正從我的身軀被吸走,我走著路,卻生怕隨時摔下來。」(Life was drained from me. I walked with the fear of falling.)


David, Michelangelo, 1504, Marble, height 434cm, Galleria dell'Accademia

意大利著名心理學家Graziella Magherini最近又有驚人報告 -- 調查顯示,米高安哲羅的大衛像可引發心理不平衡反應,特別是對獨自或情侣遊客。Magherini指,這座被譽為世上最美的雕塑,在長時間觀看後,部份特別敏感的人會感到呼吸困難、心跳加速、胃痛、頭暈,誇張的甚至會產生幻覺或有暴力傾向。Magherini說,有些人覺得雕塑是一個真人,正在和他們說話。



偉大的心理學家告訴我們,眾人中,以美國人對大衛最為敏感,意大利人及日本人則似有免疫力,反應較微。Magherini說,這與意大利人和日本人看東西時的按部就班,有條有理的觀看模式有關。 (REALLY??)

大衛像自1504年於Piazza della Signoria (廣場)的大閘處首次展出後就一直多災多難。

這塊被冷落十多年的大理石,首先由雕塑家Antonio Rossellino嘗試打造它,但經過數個月的努力,Rossellino放棄了它。1501年,米高安哲羅承諾以這大理石雕琢一石像,不劏開它也不加添一粒沙。於是,三年後,1504年9月8日,大衛就從這一整塊大理石中完美地誕生,看守著Piazza della Signoria,看守著佛羅倫斯,也看守著人類文明。


1527年,佛羅倫斯平民反對梅第奇家族 (Medici family) 的統治,暴動中,大衛的左手一分為三。十九世紀中,一次清潔劑的酸性物質再次侵蝕了它的部份表面。於是,1873年,大衛被安置進Galleria dell'Accademia。縱然如此,他還是逃不了1991年的大劫。一名瘋子拿著錘子,鑿掉了他的一隻腳趾。

9 December 2005

The First Tango


Paris is crazy with Tango. The number of tango classes offered in Paris is impressive, and everynight there are Tango Parties everywhere in the city. People from all walks of life and of all ages dance tango.

I was charmed by it when I had the first chance to be invited by an old gentleman to dance at La Latina, near Beaubourg. Then I had my first Argentina tango class this monday in L'ENS. So it happened, me too, I am crazy with tango, too. I learnt only the basic steps plus some turns and twist during the class and tonight, i joined their tango party in L'ENS and enjoyed a lot.

Tango is passion. But for beginners, it's "to be very alert". Man leads the dance and woman follows closely. Man has to be very sensitive to space and music and of course to his partner. He has to be very decisive as a 0.1 second hesitation means off beat and confusion to his partner. For the woman, she has to "listen" to her partner, to understand his hint and intention for the next step by the lightest body movement. She has to react quickly and at the same time, dance to music.

Tango is a very sexist dance, in fact. The rule is, only man invites woman and not the vice versa. Man decides the steps and woman follows. So, he acts and woman reacts. Woman has to be elegantly dressed with proper dance shoes, yet man can be very casual, even with sports shoes.

"In Tango, a man has to make his partner beautiful", Siu Mui told me about tango.

8 December 2005

The Weather Extremes

The Observatory forecasted that there would be snow in Paris today but rather disappointly, there was none. Nonetheless, this is a rare winter in Paris to have such a heavy snow in late November. The weather is getting cold, -1 degree celcius today.

A friend told me that it is -25 degree celcius in Beijing, colder than in Europe. The climate is changing which makes 2005 the record of extreme weather. Read from a Canadian newspaper that this year, according to records, has been hotter than any other year since records began. It is also the worst Atlantic hurricane season with 26 tropical storms, 14 hurricanes and 5 top-category hurricanes to break the history of human record.

While the Arctic melting is the most serious this year, the Amazon is also the driest for many decades, and the higher temperatures in the Caribbean caused vast damage of coral reefs.

The Astro-scientists who has met recently in an UN conference in Montreal (a familiar scene we have in The Day After Tomorrow) revealed that "night-time temperatures have been increasing for two-thirds of the earth's land mass since 1950". They said the rise is directly linked to "increasing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases generated by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels". Well, I don't really understand what it means here with my retarded scientific brain. All I know is that we are destorying ourselves.

6 December 2005



策展人︰Laurent Le Bon

1917年,Duchamp在一小便器簽上R. Mutt的名字,並為其題名為《噴泉》,提交到紐約獨立藝術家協會參展。作品被拒絕展出,Duchamp便在《The Blind Man》雜誌上為小便器辯護。他指,藝術家「選擇」了它,它便不再是一件器皿,而被提昇為藝術品。這個耳熟能詳的小故事展開了近百年來的「杜尚難題」一當代藝術公案──何為藝術?

如果將Duchamp的「反藝術」放在歷史上看,藝術在經歷了數千年的發展演變,由原始至成熟至超越,其自身是否已內部瓦解?藝術的概念是否已耗盡了,即將出現的任何現象都不再有意義?藝術是否已死?這些問題是今天當代藝術的關注,其源頭卻始於二十世紀初的一股挑戰傳統價值觀的藝術運動 ── 達達主義 (Dadaism)。

達達運動起源於第一次世界大戰期間。戰爭的殘暴及非理性否定了人類的文明,給當時的藝術家帶來了很大的衝擊及反思。一批流亡蘇黎世的年輕藝術家及詩人於Cabaret Voltaire咖啡廳成立達達派,同時,由Duchamp、Man Ray等人在紐約領導,發起了反戰爭、反傳統、反藝術、反美學、反建制、反理性的藝術、文學、政治運動。當中的核心人物都很年輕,如靈魂人物Tristan Tzara只有20歲、André Bréton 20歲、Louis Aragon 19歲、George Grosz 23歲、Max Ernst 25歲、Man Ray 26歲、Marchel Duchamp 29歲。

這些年青人以大膽前衛的思想,挑戰一切既定價值觀。藝術家的簽名有甚麼意義?簽上名字的物件就是藝術品?甚麼是身份?甚麼是美感?達達們經常以面具或偽裝來玩轉身份,例如Man Ray化名為Emanuel Rabinovitch拍攝的Duchamp反串女裝扮Rrose Sélavy (法文發音︰"Eros, c'est la vie", 即 "Eros is life")的一系列作品,又如Schwitters以詩中虛構人物Anna Blume自居,其他人則以藝名、匿名發表作品。他們又以生活中最不起眼的東西、垃圾作為創作對像及材料,在物件上簽上名字,幾乎毫不修飾地拿進博物館展覽,如Duchamp的《Dust Breeding》(1920)中的塵埃、《In Advance of the Broken Arm 》(1915)中的鐵鏟、Man Ray的《Moving Sculpture》(1920)中的涼衣架等。「Readymade」成為了達達們的標誌,Duchamp往往會在作品中宣告︰「藝術家的選擇令工業生產的物件脫離原來的意義並提昇為藝術品。」達達們摘下藝術的光暈(aura),同時亦給當時的藝術界投下一棵炸彈。

達達是一系列遊戲的過程及結果,達達們是拒絕長大、拒絕妥協的大頑童,套用今天的術語,即所謂「kidult」。「達達」這個名字的來源,也是一個遊戲,它是打開字典,用刀一指,哪個就哪個的傑作,一切都是來得隨意和富冒險精神。是以,下象棋成為了Duchamp及Man Ray的思考方式和創作靈感,他們的棋局記錄、棋盤照片,甚至下過的棋,統統成為了藝術品。詩人/藝術家Tzara的《Manifeste sur l'amour faible et l'armour amer》更加體現了這種隨機式。Tzara教大家寫一首達達詩,首先,從報紙剪下一篇文章,小心地把每個字剪開,把單字放進袋子裡,一個一個抽出,誠實地按次序抄下,加上標點,就成為一首達達詩。這種完全機遇性的遊戲,把傳統文學的價值化為零,甚麼是文學?甚麼是教育?甚麼是學院?甚麼是體制?缺乏意識、純機遇及遊戲性質的創作方式直指達達主義的中心︰沒有動機、沒有理性分析的創作概念正是他們要宣示的動機與分析。

甚麼是繪畫?這是達達們的另一個質詢。某某藝術家在件品上簽了名字,那件物件就有市場價值,那如果在一張畫布上,每個藝術家畫一筆,砌成一件作品,那它還有市場價值嗎?這是達達作品中最為吊詭的一件,即Francis Picabia的《L'oeil Cacodylate》(1921),「拼貼」成為了達達的另一表現模式。另一極具爭議的作品,便是Duchamp為Mona Lisa加上兩撇鬍子的《L.H.O.O.Q》(1919),很多人看過這個作品,但作品的名字卻不是人人說得清。「L.H.O.O.Q」以法文諗起來是「Elle a chaud au cul」,即「she is horny」的意思。作品展出時當然被衛道之士群起而攻之,或許時至今日斥其為「忤逆」的還大有人在。


佔地二千二百平方米的一號展覽館,被劃分為四十多個約三十平分米的小房間,每個房間展出一個主題(如右圖)。這個展覽建築設計者為Daniel Buren,他在《Le Musée qui n'existait pas展覽》(龐畢度,2002)時設計了這個展出方案,雖然最他沒有用這個設計,但據聞,他還擁有這個展覽設計的版權。這個貌似棋盤的設計圖和達達主義不謀而合。每個房間都有四個進出口,參觀者每到一房間便有四個可能性,大家可以隨意選擇方向及路線圖,充分反映了達達們的隨意的遊戲精神。房間的次序沒有主線可依,有的以城市、有的以題材、有的以藝術家、有的以媒介、有的則以時期來劃分。所以,任由你怎樣穿插、怎樣左轉右轉,你總能找到一個「看」的方法。問題,這個像棋盤的設計和下棋一樣難,往往令參觀者猶如進入迷宮,不斷轉圈。

展覽共出了二千多件作品,是最完整的一次達達展。當中很多是未曾展出過的手稿,如達達們之間的通訊、創作詩文的原稿、達達們的照片記錄等。一進入展覽館的第一個房間,左手邊是有關達達主義的簡介,右手邊是數十幅照片,彷如劇本或電影的開頭,先由角色向觀眾打個照面。這些相片,大部份是Man Ray拍攝的,從當中頑皮搞笑的造型,你幾乎可於想像,這些照片和大家的生活照沒甚分別,都是達達們聚集、談天、下棋時的記錄。其中一個房間展出了Tzara在上世紀二十年代時準備出版的《Dadaglobe – 達達作品全集》手稿,Tzara計劃出版全球所有與達達有關或受達達影響下創作的詩、文及藝術作品。可惜這本達達全集從來沒有出現過。另一個房間「Dada-Messe」則重建了1920年在柏林Otto Burchard Gallery舉行的「第一屆國際達達展」的部份場景。

展覽亦再次重申了達達主義為現代前衛藝術之始,超現實主義及純抽像主義早是數位達達藝術家的創作方向,如Max Ernst早在「超現實主義」這名堂出現前,即達達時期已創作了多件富超現實精神的作品,如《Aquis submerses》(1919)及《Deux enfants sont menacés par un rossignol》(1924)。




Photo Credits:
Pic 1: Marcel Duchamp Fountain 1917/1964. Readymade: porcelain urinal. 23.5 x 18 cm, hight 60 cm. Private collection
Pic 2: Marcel Duchamp Reproduction of L.H.O.O.Q. 1919. from Box in a Valise. Readymade: pencil on a reproduction of the Mona Lisa. 19.7 x 12.4 cm. The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Pic 3: Man Ray (Emanuel Rabinovitch) Duchamp as Rrose Selavy 1919 - 1921

Pic 4: Marcel Duchamp In Advance of the Broken Arm. 1915. Readymade: show shovel, wood and galvanized iron. 121.3 cm. Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, USA.
Pic 5: Max Ernst, Ein Kupferblech, 1919-1920, collage with gouache and pencil on paper

4 December 2005





看了香港的報紙,再看看法國的報紙。Le Monde的網絡版以香港十萬人遊行爭取普選為頭條,將此次遊行與2003年的五十萬人七一大遊行作比較,董建華年代和曾蔭權年代各自最大的遊行抗議,隨後董伯伯在數個月後下了台,那 Donald Tsang又會怎樣呢?會不會被陳太打敗呢?BBC 亦播導了這次遊行,同樣地與兩年前的大遊行相提並論。我們的前宗主國相信是最「隔岸觀火」的一個,詳盡地為自己的國民解釋了「相普選」、「時間表」等。

沒有參與遊行,反而可以想看看遊行的人。香港人經歷了數次大遊行,遊行的文化開始形成,成為了發揮創意的最佳場景。單單是道具一項,以前的六四週年遊行,往往是由支聯會派發標語牌、橫額。慢慢,開始有市民自製 T恤、橫額。03年七一時,最多人舉起的,是傳媒的遊行海報,同時開始有嘉年華式的氣氛與道具︰有樂隊邊彈邊唱,有人邊行邊舞,還有其他為求成為傳媒焦點的大型公仔道具。四五行動的道具往往有點吓人,以前遊行時,一定不會和他們走在一起。今年遊行的道具似乎又有新突破,不再是某某政客誇張的造型,反而多了市民自製有意思又極批判的造型。姑勿論是以甚麼樣貌出現,香港人遊行,向來以和平、有秩序舉世知名。這樣的公民質素是最佳的見證,向全世界說,我們已準備了很久、等待了很久,我們要民主。


相片一︰Photo credit Le Monde
相片二至五︰Photo credit 明報

3 December 2005



Catalina找來了老祖宗傳下的秘方 --
很有機的 她說

起了床 睡不着
看了書 又睡了


1 December 2005

First Billiard

Wooo... the first billiard passed like an exciting game. That's the first time I play billiard. Watched some billiard or snooker matches on TV but never tried this game. It was of great fun.

We did a great job!! Catalina, Andrea, Ondrej and Petr!! With Petr's magic drink, we were getting high and sharp enough to clear the table. Ondrej loves red and I love black, that's the discovery for tonight!! I can't believe I can really hit the balls to the net, and watch out! as my favourite is the blacks, you either clear the colour ones and leave the black for me or I hit both the black and the colour to the net!! Sorry sorry, i felt great tonight!! It was a pity that we didn't bring camera tonight!!

You guys love this posture, no?!
(Pic from http://www.billiarddirectory.com)

I am going to do this gesture next time!!
(pic from http://www.billiarddirectory.com)

By the way, Petr, why don't we have white ball as shown in the pic?

30 November 2005



在巴黎猶太區 Rue des Roisiers 的一間小咖啡廳遇上這樣的一個女孩。
她名字叫Allison Crowe,來自加拿大的二十四歲女孩。喜歡自彈自唱,所以在鋼琴前加了一個麥克風。女孩有著特别渾厚的歌聲,喜歡激昂的曲目,激動時聲音特別響亮,有點嚷破喉嚨的感覺。

女孩喜歡大聲笑,所以每唱完一聲歌就會自己傻笑,告訴在場的每一個聽眾,我很開心可以為你們歌唱﹗女孩自己創造自己的歌曲,也唱偶像的名曲。女孩離不開情情愛愛,所以總要傷心地嚷著情人不要無情拋棄我。你們快樂嗎?女孩問。為甚麼快樂?真有甚麼值得你快樂的嗎?女孩又問。朋友說我很sacarstic,我是很sacarstic的,所以為大家唱一首歌,「I am happy now」。女孩說。


這裡,是位於這條猶太人聚居的小街的咖啡廳,7 Lezards。咖啡廳有搞音樂會的傳統,所以在地牢有一個小型的劇院,幾張桌子搭上梳發,可容納三十個客人,舒適地一邊喝茶一邊聽音樂。我們是趁了一個免費音樂會的名而來,不認這女孩,也不認識這咖啡廳,純粹因為是鋼琴爵士樂,更重要的是免費,乎合經濟及品味原則。





28 November 2005

Little Prince, my rose and the fox

-- A 28 Nov 2005 version

The day when Little Prince decided to leave his planet, he came to his rose. He whispered to the first pedal of his rose, "my beautiful rose, I have to leave this planet and you have to stay in this soil for your own good. My beautiful rose, you have to grow and be brave. Don't be afriad, you are the most beautiful rose and you will shine with your courage".

His rose did not respond. Little Prince then whispered to the second pedal of his rose, "my beautiful rose, you are the one and the only one."

A drop of tear dropped from the pedals of his rose. Little Prince felt sad. He then whispered to the third pedal of his rose, "my beautiful rose, my heart is with you whereever I am."

A breeze blew over his rose, a pedal fell down onto the soil. Little Prince picked the pedal, put it close to his heart and set off his planet.


The day when Little Prince met the fox, he was sad.
The fox asked, "why are you sad, my friend?"

"My rose refuses to take the water I put in the jag before I left my planet, and now my beautiful rose is dying." Little Prince said, with the pedal close to his heart.

"Why your rose refuses to take the water you put in the jag before you left your planet?" asked the fox.

"Because she is angry with me," said Little Prince, with a drop of tear in his eye.

"Why she is angry with you, my friend?"

"Because I put the same water in the same jag for other roses,too," said Little Prince.

"So you have other roses in your planet", replied the fox.

"Yes, they make my planet more beautiful. But she is special, she is the one and the only one. Everymorning when the first sunlight shines on my planet, i would come to her, water her with the freshest morning dew. I would sit by her side while she takes the water and the air. Everynoon, when the breeze blows to my planet, I would come to her, cover her with my hands, so the soil would not dirt her pedals. Everynight, when the first moonlight appears in the starry sky, I would come to her, whisper to her, so she would not feel lonely. I share with her all my happiness and worries. I named her 'my rose', she is my only rose." Said Little Prince with his mind sank deep into his memory of his beautiful rose.

"Why she refuses to take the same water in the same jag with other roses, then?" asked the fox.

"I don't know", said Little Prince. "she would be angry when I water the other roses as the first sunlight shines on my planet; she would be angry when I cover the other roses when the afternoon breeze blows to my planet; she would be angry when I talk to other roses when the first moonlight appears in the starry sky." Said Little Prince.

"Ayhaa... so she is in love with you", said the fox.

"Love?" repeated Little Prince, "what is love?"

"Love, is to tame and to be tamed," said the fox.

"Love, is to tame and to be tamed," repeated Little Prince.

"Everymorning, your rose waits with great patience for the first sunlight to shine on your planet, for she, knows you would be there for her, to water her, to sit by her side. Her heart would beat fast when she hears your steps, her face would shine when she knows you will be sitting next to her.

"Everynoon, she expects with great courage for the breeze to blow so that you would cover her with your hands.

"Everynight, she prays for the moonlight to shine so that you would come to whisper your happiness and worries to her.

"She is tamed, my friend, she is tamed by you". Said the fox.

"She is tamed by me?" repeated Little Prince.

"She is tamed by you, so the first sunshine means not the beginning of the day but your love for her; so the afternoon breeze is no longer a danger but a proof of your love for her; so the moonlight talks are the private moments belong to you and her, just you and her. She would be jealous when you do the same to the other roses. So, she refuses to take the same water in the same jag with other roses." Said the fox.

"She is jealous? she is tamed?" asked Little Prince.

"So you are, my friend, you are tamed by your rose, too." Said the fox.

"I am tamed by my rose, too?" repeated Little Prince.

"You are tamed by your rose, so that you have to water her, to sit with her, to cover her, to talk to her, everymorning, everynoon, everynight. Your heart breaks when she refuses to take the water, to be covered by your hands, and to repond to your whispers. My friend, you are tamed by your rose, too." Said the fox.

"So I am tamed by my rose and my rose is tamed by me?" asked the Little Prince.

"So you are tamed by your rose and your rose is tamed by you," answered the fox.

Photos from http://www.lepetitprince.com/fr/

27 November 2005

Flamenco Concert

Living in a student dorm doesn't mean that you are away from the city's hit. When you are in Paris, art and culture is everywhere for you, even when you live in a dorm. Well, can you imagine when you live in CUHK and can still enjoy free concerts everyweek?

Here is Paris.

So me too, I have many free tickets to concerts: piano, jazz band, contemporary dance, folk songs, flamenco, film screenings, photo exhibition, seminars, Mondaynight tango, etc.

This is one of the free concerts I attended, and the most remarkable one, so far. Perhaps there is also my personal bias for flamenco.

The hall where staged the show is the party hall of the residence where I am living. Simple equipment of lighting and stage set up, and yet, everybody enjoyed the show. The majority is in fact from the public, i.e. who paid 18 euro for the show. Differed from a proper theatre, the show allows you to take photos, video, and even audio record.

So, here I am, in my beloved Paris!!

26 November 2005

巴黎的第一場雪 First Snow in Paris 2005

十一月的巴黎,開始飄雪了。 氣溫降到零下0.7 至0.4度。
The temperature dropped to 0.7 degree celcius.
Paris snows today!!

砌好的雪人,全靠三個大男孩的努力。不過還是醜醜的。 The snowman, after my friend's hardwork, stood there for three days!!

25 November 2005

An alternative to French - on french as a language (1)

Like many countries, there exist different dialects in France, such as Picard, Normand, Orleanais and Champenois. The root of the Euskara, dialect of the Pays Basques, dated back to at least 2000 BC (avant notre ere) when Latin was not yet spoken. It was believed that French is evolved from a medieval Paris dialect known as Francien.

However, French as a language is so strong that overshadowed the other dialects. One reason why foreigners hardly know the fact. Today, most French don't speak these dialects. The progression line is like: grandparents know well and speak well the dialects, parents understand but don't know how to speak, young generation can neither understand nor speak the dialects, and the new generations don't even know there existed such a dialect. People regretting the loss of these beautiful local languages yet justifying the mastery of French as their most important preoccupation to be able to "function" in the society.

The first ruling of French as the official language was in 1539 when King Francois I passed the ordinance of Villers-Cotterets making French mandatory in all administrative documents. 150 years later, the first French dictionary was published by the Academie Francaise in 1694.

Despite the centralization and the "zero sum game" between the official language and the dialects, there is a secret language developed by the French criminals, the Argot. Balzac and Hugo are the defenders of Argot that they made their characters speak the language. Today, some of the Argot words sneaked into the modern French vocabularies, like fric (money) and mec (man). One of the forms of Argot that still exists today in the Arabic ghettos of the suburb is the Verlan. Verlan just reverses the syllables of a word, let me put it in an example with English, eg. "sunny" becomes "nysun". The word Verlan is itself the reverse of l'envers (reverse). The word ripou in French slang, which means "cop", is actually a Verlan word comes from the reverse of pourri (rotten).

French butchers in the 19th Century also created their own language, the Loucherbem (boucher). In the slang, they changed the first letter of all words into "L" and added bem, oche or oque at the end. So, my name becomes "Lelinaoche", "Lelinabem" or "Lelinaoque". Looks cool!!

Read from an interesting book on French

24 November 2005

A Ballerina Dream

有關舞蹈的電影我都不會放過,之前的 《浮生若舞》, 《舞出彩虹》、《舞動激情》等,都是我的心頭好。最近在報章上看到法國電視台藝術文化頻道arte,在十一月七日起連續播出一套別開生面的紀錄片,《有一天,我將成為舞者》。可惜沒有電視機,看不到。

紀錄片以入讀巴黎國家音樂及舞蹈學院第一年的十三歲芭蕾舞生Camille為主角,導演Julie Lepkine貼身追蹤小女孩們艱苦訓練的經過,和同學間的互相扶持、互相競爭的真實世界,和一眾女孩追逐夢想的甜酸苦辣。

A series of new documentary, Un jour, je serai danseuse, by Julie Lepkine is now on shown on the arts and cultural TV channel, Arte France. Unfortunately, I don't have a TV to watch the programme. Another remarkable documentary on dance is The Company by Robert Altman. The other film on a dance student's life is Centre Stage . Others include Thomas Carter's Save the Last Dance and Stephen Daldry's Billy Elliot.

Lepkine followed Camille, the 13-year-old first-year ballet student of Conservatoire nationale de musique et de danse de Paris, for one year, documenting her life as a future ballerina in the process of harsh trainings, friendship and competition with classmates, and the painful process of realization of a dancer dream.

23 November 2005

小幸福 Petit Bonheur à Paris



晚上她回來晚了。九點鐘,手裡一瓶紅酒,敲我的門。「我們要慶祝一下,因為我的research proposal 通過了,教授答應了做我論文的指導老師。」她說,小小的臉蛋溢滿了無法抑制的興奮,紅暈在兩頰慢慢散開,加深。


房間的天花燈被關上,書桌燈被反了一個身,射著天花板。橙黃色的燈光在粉白的牆身和天花劃了一個弧形,室內變得悠暗。找來了只點過一次的橘子味餐燭,淡淡的果香從燭杯裡飄出來,份外舒暢。隨即是Diana Krall渾厚而帶點憂傷的爵士歌聲在房間裡回蕩,一遍又一遍。

舉起酒杯,「au petit bonheur à paris」﹗「au nos sejours à paris」﹗

Pasta加了芝士,放進微波爐,兩盤共需八分鐘時間。先來個 L'apéritif,取來了面包和tarama aux oeufs de cabillaud(一種用魚子作的醬,但不要誤會是名貴的魚子醬﹗)。It tastes really fishy !! You don't like it? Mais, si, c'est bon!!


哦,我昨晚去了Champs Elyees,聖誕燈飾都亮了,真漂亮﹗
我還經過了迪士尼店,看到 Finding Nemo 的可愛小魚了。






21 November 2005

The Creative Habit




開始變成形式時,請立即停止 ── 寫﹗

20 November 2005

橘子和刀 – Canteen一幕 Une orange et un couteau






她開始生氣了,更加使勁地刮著橘子皮,生誰的氣呢我?他的手伸了過來,試圖接過她的刀子和橘子。但她的刀狠狠地前拉後扯著,找不著空間介入呀﹗她終於等了下來,冷冷地看著他,他安靜地取過橘子和刀,專心一致地切起橘子來。慢慢地把第一塊小皮切下來,然後第二塊、第三塊…… 把切好的橘子交給她。她小孩氣地抿一抿嘴,接過橘子,撕開了一片給他,他輕輕一笑,接過了橘子,也接過了她的手。



19 November 2005

藝術與治療 Art and Therapy

家中老祖母七十五歲時證實患上亞爾默氏病Alzheimer's Disease,俗稱老人痴呆症。由於現時還未有治療方法,老人家情況一發不可收拾。五年來,健康狀況每況日下。曾嘗試過以顏色治療來保存她的分辯能力,最後還是失敗了。
最近,在報紙上讀到MoMA (紐約現代美術館) 和波士頓美國藝術館嘗試以藝術治療方法幫助老年痴呆症病人。星期二原是閉館的日子,導賞員和護理人員帶著病患長者到美術館,集中看較為容易掌握和具體的表現主義作品,讓長者描述和闡釋自己的看法。雖然藝術欣賞對尚未有治療方法的老年痴呆症的具體效用仍需深入研究,但長者的表現,讓醫學界對藝術能激發他們潛藏的記憶及解說能力感到興奮。例如,一位護理人員引述一位長者看完Stuart Davis的作品後,淊淊不絕而又有條理地形描該作品及回憶當年的紐約,爵士樂、即興音樂等等,清晰而栩栩如生地講解著。又如73歲的患者Irene Copeland Brenton,站在Wyeth的作品《Christina’s World》之前,說︰「你看不到她的臉,但看著她,你能感受到她的快樂」。導賞員問她為什麼?她說︰「因為你知道她會進去那個屋子,我也想進去那間屋子。」

很明顯,她已經代入了這個角色裡,進入了畫中的世界。如果說,老人痴呆症患者大都是生活在另一個世界裡,他們的記憶紛亂失序,時光交錯地纒在巨大的歲月之網中,渾然不知自己身在何時何地。在藝術的世界裡,他們卻可以找到一個參考點 (point of reference),進入另一個世界,而這個世界顯得井井有條,他們說的話對聽者來說也顯得條理分明。到底藝術可以在人類的精神層面滲透得多深?對人類的情緒、潛意識有多大的提昇?以音樂來治療這些長者則有較長的研究經驗,結果顯示,接受音樂治療後,部份長者減少服藥的份量。

16 November 2005

My brother is a real genius

Guest artist: Ting Chun Yuen
Signature (2006)
Photo credit: Ting Chun Yuen
(All rights reserved)

13 November 2005

Public Art in Chicago

Guest Photographer: Isha Ting

芝加哥的棒球隊The Chicago White Sox在贏得全國棒球賽總冠軍後,把球隊的襪子和球帽上戴在市內的雕塑身上,上演一次公共藝術加行為藝術表演。

After winning the American Baseball Championship, the Chicago White Sox put their caps and white socks on the statues in the city. A show of public art plus performance art?!

photo credit: Isha TING (All Rights Reserved)

12 November 2005

Public Art in Paris

法國人意見多多,凡事都喜歡爭辯一翻,報紙文章評論多於報導。所以,在 La Défense的兩件公共藝術作品,Miro的 Personnages (1976)和Calder的 Le Calder de La Défense(1976) 都配上了評論,你可以一邊看作品,一邊致電收聽著名電台dj、作家及藝評人Frédéric Taddëi 對這兩件作品的論述,十足博物館般的「導賞」。
Le Calder de La Défense
Artiste: Calder
Date d'implantation: 1976

Artiste: Miro
Date d'implantation: 1976

Photo credit: De Anndou
(All Rights Reserved)

"discover.... this work...."

Photo credit: De Anndou
(All Rights Reserved)

7 November 2005







3 November 2005


法國南部中世紀小鎮 La Réola


從巴黎出發,TGV向南方的陽光奔走三小時,終於到達Bordeaux這個世界著名的葡萄美酒之鄉。白天的陽光依然充沛,彷彿三小時的路程就把時間倒流了兩個月。這時候的法國南部洋溢著懶洋洋的意味,十月是收割葡萄的最佳時節,經過篩選、壓碎等工序後,十一月是入桶發酵的時候,再過幾個月,成熟的新酒過濾後就可入瓶,新一系列的Bordeaux 2004也即將延生。中間這段難得空閒時期,也是酒農們享受人生的時候。


在La Garonne及La Dordogne兩條河流中間是一片大平原,每年75%的酒就在這出產,遍銷全世界。這個小城早在三世紀時已有「小羅馬」之稱,中世紀時酒業已發達,並帶動了整個區域的貿易發展。十一月一日是法國的萬聖節Toussaints (意義上相等於清明節),而十月三十日至十一月一日便成為狂歡節慶,在Bordeaux南部的小鎮La Réole每年都會舉行La Foire de La Réole。

Foire意指Fair,是一年一度的大型展銷會,沿著La Garonne河畔而建。我們從Bordeaux坐半小時火車趕來,感覺有點像古時的人到城裡趕庙會,又有點像六、七年代的工展會。最好玩的是傳統食品檔,那些不同顏色、不同怪味道的芝士,還有法式臘腸Saucisons、煙豬腿、各式各樣的香草、小食等。檔主大方地讓你試食,明知你不打算買也要硬叫你試試看。最叫人期待的應該是酒商的攤檔。剛發酵的新酒讓大家品嚐,評估一下今年的酒質。由於酒還沒有完全加工完畢,故酒精含量只有5%,大家不妨多喝。

不說不知,原來這個展銷會大有來頭,並已有千多年的歷史。籌辦小組主席也是參展商之一的Christian Cots告訴我們,這個展銷會始於11世紀,早期是農民買賣豬牛家禽的地方,後第二次世界大戰後商品以家電為主,現在就更多元化,汽車、房屋都可以成交。看似農夫實是賣農夫工作服 (俗稱蛤蜊衣)的Christian更指出,這個展銷會的另一層意義是抗衡「全球化」,讓本土商品可以在市場上佔一席位,買家又可討價還價,同時比較各家的價格才作決定。但我們卻發現其中一攤檔是某日本品牌汽車、另一是來自美國的牛仔褲大哥大。

La Réole的年輕人大部份都離開這裡到各大城市工作,但每年這幾天都會回老家狂歡。有年輕人的地方就不可能沒有派對,這裡也一樣,晚上是年輕人的世界。啤酒檔特受歡迎,有的請DJ打碟,露天派對越夜越昇溫,喝醉了就大家一起跳舞、吵鬧。

La Réole是一個中世紀小鎮,於公元977建成,今天依然保存著舊日的模樣。Réole是 “Regula” 即 “Rule” 的意思,據說是根據當時的其一天主教派規條Benedictine Rule建城。到遊客資料中心取得英文版地圖及導遊小冊子,便開始尋寶。石板路、石級、教堂、全法國最古老的市政府廳、十二世紀的建築物、舊式門柄、窗花、餐廳、店舖等,慢慢研究起來,還要花不少時間。

La Réole資料
遊覽方式︰可做一個Day trip,鎮內沒有公共交通工具,只需步行遊覽,路線長3公里,約20個景點。若時間許可,則可到近郊的葡萄園碰碰運氣,入內參觀。餐廳︰Restaurant Aux Fontaines是鎮內最著名的法國餐廳,位於Rue de Verdun 8號,傳統的3道菜午、晚餐由16至46歐羅。星期日晩及星期一休息。